Saturday, April 11, 2009

today is the first day of the rest of your life

i was in san francisco today and saw a sign that said that. i always thought signs with those cheesy sayings were retarded, but this time it felt different. i thought about it. today is the first day of the rest of your life... it sounds so optimistic, and so true.

recently i've felt so pessimistic about the future, mainly because the future is so uncertain for me. where will i be sleeping next year? who will i be with? will i be happy? all these questions have come up. these questions have bombarded all my other thoughts.

now that i have decided where i am going to college/living next year, the future feels a little more stable. through this decision i have calmed down and i feel like i can truly look forward to the future now. of course i am still afraid of what is to come, but i feel like now i can relax for the time being. i am actually excited for next year, which is an extremely refreshing feeling.

on a different note, i watched slumdog millionaire and was very disappointed. the constant flash backs, the torture scenes, the shaky camera, among many other things were all too much. i admit, i watched the first 50 minutes and shut it off. maybe the second half was amazing, but i was expecting a masterpiece after the film won for best picture.

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